Mary Lou Rane, Ph.D


Dr. Mary Lou Rane received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy at the University of California, Los Angeles and graduated Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa.  She later attended Ryokan College, Los Angeles and earned a Doctorate in Nutrition.  She has been in private practice in Westwood since 1987.

Before going back to school for her doctorate, Dr. Rane studied with Julia Child and then owned and operated a successful catering business.  During this time, she became increasingly interested in the science of food and how it impacts our health.

From the time of her graduate work, she began to be introduced to and study with some of the greatest world-renowned doctors who continue to develop cutting edge methodologies today.

Dr. Mary Lou Rane has an Advanced Certification in Neuro Emotional Technique.

Some of the other modalities she has advanced training in include: Clinical Nutrition, Epigenetics and Functional Biochemistry, Nutritional Response Testing, Contact Reflex Analysis, Neurovascular Dynamics, Applied Kinesiology, Functional Medicine, Injury Recall, Set Point Technique, Acupressure and Bach Flower Therapy.

Dr. Mary Lou Rane’s primary mentors include:

Scott Walker, D.C.
Dan Monti, M.D.
Fred Ulan, D.C., C.C.N.
Chris Astill-Smith, D.O., N.D., DIBAK
Dick Versendaal, D.C., Ph.D.
Michael Lebowitz, D.C.
Walter Schmitt, D.C., DIBAK, DABCN
George Goodheart, D.C.
Datis Kharrazian, D.C., DHSc
Kerry Bone, B.S.c., Dip. Phtyo
N.Rowen Richards, D.C.,DABCI, FIACA
Abbas Qutab, M.D.
Stuart White, D.C., DACBN
Michael Dobbins, D.C.
Mark Anderson, D.C.
Harry Eidenier, D.C.
Jack Tipps, Ph.D., C.C.N.
Daniel Pompa, D.PSc.
Kenneth B. Yasny, Ph.D.
Bruce Lipton, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard Murray, D.C., PA
Royal Lee, D.D.S.

“Today we are living in a time in which science, including Epigenetics and Quantum Physics, continues to develop technology to restore individuals to their perfect health and longevity.  I am fortunate to be able to keep up with these cutting edge advancements by consistently attending workshops, seminars, and retreats with my primary mentors as well as many other foremost doctors and scientists.

I believe education and knowledge are essential for an individual’s recovery and becoming responsible for one’s life experience.  Therefore, as part of my clients’ treatment programs to achieve complete well being, I conduct workshops on nutrition, biochemistry, the science behind the applications I utilize in my sessions, and self -awareness approaches.

You can have control over your health, and I would be grateful to assist you in that journey”.

Dr. Mary Lou Rane